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Showing posts from 2011

I have been MIA!!!

Sorry we have just been living life since my last blog post. Let me tell you a little of what has gone on... Brody turned ONE, he had an awesome Woodland Animal party, and on his actual birthday Chris and i took off work and took him to the zoo. He loved it, we have been to the Zoo a few times before with him but he really got into this time. He espically LOVED the Warthog, it was the first animal we saw and he was really close and palying in the mud and Brody just couldn't take his eyes off him! ( i forgot my camera that day : ( boo! ) Also for Brody's bithday Chris and I gave him a camo four wheeler and i bet you can guess who picked that out, Brody loves it he just hasn't got steering down so you have to chase him when he drives it the house so he doesn't take out Gigi! Brody has had strep 3 TIMES in about a 2 month period, but praise the Lord it has finally gone away and i hope it stays away. The final time he had it was right after he went to his 12 month check...

Wordless Wednesday

Working Mommy Post @ Stafford Stories Blog

Melissa over @ Stafford Stories did a Working Mommy Post series on her blog and I got to opportunity to post! Check out her blog, its one of my faves! First of all thanks to Melissa for hosting this working mommy blog series, I am so excited to participate! I look forward to reading the posts! Being a mom, working or stay at home, is a challenge, but it is wonderful and rewarding. I have always wanted to be a mom and was so excited that is September 2010 after a year and a half of trying that i became one to my sweet little guy Brody. I hope that this post will provide some helpful tips for moms out there to keep the balance of everything we try to juggle. Brody around 2 weeks old. I am the kind of person that always thinks i can take on anything, I would rather do something myself than ever ask for help. I know that alot of us moms are like this. Since i had Brody i had to learn to ask for help , don't take everything on yourself remember that you have peop...

Another Great 30 Seconds

I think this is too cute,  i love old photos so this is right up my alley!

30 Second Laughs

I love this commercial, i just wanted o share it because it makes me laugh every time i see it! Have a great weekend!

Things I'm Loving!

Vera Bradley Lemon Parfait Pleated Tote, this is my new diaper bag, i love it! An Owl hat for Brody, will be great for those chilly days this winter The Help, awesome read, i'm only about 100 pages in but it just keeps getting better! The last Harry Potter, awesome yet bittersweet, the first Harry Potter movie was the first date that Chris and i went on, almost 10 years ago! And of course these two handsome fellas are always my number one! I will be back soon with a 9 month up date on the Brodster! Have a great day!

3rd Anniversary ( 2 days late )

I have an awesome husband, we have been married for 3 years, been together for almost 10, we have laughed together, cried together, and had ups and downs, but it has been the best. There is no one I would rather be on this journey called life with. Thanks for all you do babe, you are the best husband and baby daddy i could ask for! I love you forever & always! Honeymoon, Daytona Beach, FL June 2008 Feeding Brody in the nursey September 2010 Lulu's, Gulf Shores, AL August 2008, Harris Family Vacation

Happy Memorial Day!

Thanks to all the men and women who serve & protect our country each day! We appericate all you do!

8 Months!

I can't believe that 8 months has already passed with Brody in our lives. What a fast and crazy 8 months it has been. So far Brody has.... gotten 2 bottom teeth and working on more which = one cranky baby! eats stage 2 baby food, loves sweet potatoes, squash, apples, pears, bananas, mac and cheese. does NOT like peaches, carrots, or baby meat. wears size 3 diapers weighs around 19 to 20 pounds is pulling up on everything! thinks that he must taste everything, loves to play with mama's cell phone, the house phone, and the any TV remote. Daddy and Brody love to sneak up and tap me on the shoulder, Brody thinks this is HILARIOUS! has had two ear infections and had to have breathing treatments for an upper respiratory infection. has an interest in Gigi, he hasn't quite figured her out yet. Brody will grab her and she runs from him. Gigi is very protective of him though. has a love/hate relationship with bath time. has a 8 oz bottle before bed and goes to sleep around...

2011 A New Year!

2011 a whole new year, i have always been a list maker and I'm going to make one now, of what i want to do in 2011. -make time to read one book each month -keep up with my laundry better ( at the moment clothes sit in baskets at my house for days on end!!) -spend more quality time with Chris, Brody, and Gigi -save money and get some bills PAID OFF! -become better at clipping coupons -find a church home and read the bible, work on building my relationship with the Jesus Christ. -be a great blogger!! Happy Monday! more posts later, when Brody allows! of course i had to include a picture of my handsome guy, no post would be complete without it!