I can't believe that 8 months has already passed with Brody in our lives. What a fast and crazy 8 months it has been. So far Brody has.... gotten 2 bottom teeth and working on more which = one cranky baby! eats stage 2 baby food, loves sweet potatoes, squash, apples, pears, bananas, mac and cheese. does NOT like peaches, carrots, or baby meat. wears size 3 diapers weighs around 19 to 20 pounds is pulling up on everything! thinks that he must taste everything, loves to play with mama's cell phone, the house phone, and the any TV remote. Daddy and Brody love to sneak up and tap me on the shoulder, Brody thinks this is HILARIOUS! has had two ear infections and had to have breathing treatments for an upper respiratory infection. has an interest in Gigi, he hasn't quite figured her out yet. Brody will grab her and she runs from him. Gigi is very protective of him though. has a love/hate relationship with bath time. has a 8 oz bottle before bed and goes to sleep around...