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Trying for Brody

I know this post my be a little TMI, but it is so i can rember everything we went through to have Brody.
Chris and I starting trying to have a baby January 2009. I stopped taking the pill and we let nature take its course. Well I never started having periods after stopping the pill. I mean NONE. So i thought maybe i was pregenet, but no. We continued on thinking my normal flow would kick in and eveything would go back to normal on its on. It did not. So i continued to have no period up until July when i decied to go see my dr to see if she could tell me what was going on. Dr. Logan did bloodwork and ran tests. She ruled out PCOS, which would be the most common reason i was not having a period. So she started me on a drug called Provera to jump start my period. I believe that it is suppose to start your period with a certain number of days of taking it, it took a lot longer with me. I ended up having to take it twice before i started having a period. After that we still had no luck getting pregnant on our on. So Dr. Logan recommend that we take Clomid. This was such a hard time for me. I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought that i would have a hard time having a baby. I prayed so hard that Chris and i would have a baby of our own. My heart longed to be a momma. My dream in life has always been to be a wife and momma. I know that may sound funny to some people but that is what i wanted in life my own little family to love and grow. I remeber taking failed test after failed test. You really get to a point where you do not even want to take a test because you get your hopes that it will say yes and when it says no, it hits you hard. It also makes it hard when you see all these people around you having babies so easily, it would break my heart. People would always ask when Chris and I were going to have kids, i would always try to brush them off because i didn't really want anybody to know we were trying with no luck. Really only a few people knew, my best friends, MK, Cindy ( who lived with us at the time ), Jessica, & Staci, also my parents knew too. They were so supportive and always encouraged us that it would happen.  When you take clomid, you have to do bloodwork all the time to see where your levels are at. I HATE having bloodwork done because i  have really smalll veins that blow eveytime they stick me. Everytime i got blood work done i would think this is for our baby and i would think about getting to hold our sweet baby in my arms and it made it easier to go through. I was shecduled to have bloodwork done on Christmas eve 2009. I remeber telling Chris that maybe this time next year we would have our own baby to celebrate with. We went to Chris's families annual christmas party later that day and Chris cousin was taling about what they were going to name thier 3rd baby, i had to fight back tears. I was happy for them, but i wished so bad that it was us. My sweet sister in law was sitting next to me, she could tell something was wrong, she just made me feel better, i don't even remeber what she said but it ressured me. We started clomid shortly after that. On Friday February 5th, i had a feeling that i should take a test it, it was actually a few days before i was late but i just wanted to check because i had a feeling. Chris and i had just gotten home from work. I took a test and it said YES. I was so happy i was shaking and crying and the same time. Chris was estatic. I could not believe it. We wanted to tell everybody right then! We called my sister in law who is a nurse to ask her if the clomid would give a false positive on the test and she said it should't so D'Lisa was the first one to know, then our beloved MK, i think that is so funny because Brody loves his Aunt Mandie so much and she was the first one to know. We told our parents, silblings, and other friends the next day. I still had to do bloodwork to confrim it, but it did! I know that their are so many couples that go through infertility ALOT longer than we did, and i pray for them because it is so hard. I still don't have an reason why we could not get pregnant on our on, just unexplained infertility. After i had Brody my periods have been normal. Dr. Logan ( who is awesome by the way! ) seems to think we should not have any problems having another baby, so maybe when Brody is about 2 we can work on him a little brother or sister!


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