I can't believe that my baby is almost 2! Time has flown, i know everybody says that but it seems like he was just learning to roll over and now he is full blown running. - You weigh 27 pounds, and I'm not sure on your height, but everyone says you are tall and everyone thinks you are about 2 1/2 or 3. -Wearing 2t shirts and 18 month shorts. Still long and lean! - You had your first " real " hair cut this month and you acted like an angel! I kept putting off getting it cut because i liked it long. You kept being mistaken for a girl so i finally did. I'm glad we did it is adorable! -You are still a picky eater but you love to eat what you like which includes, corn, cheese, bratwurst, pizza, apples, pineapple, carrots, grapes, chicken, pork chops, sometimes mac and cheese, french fries, ramen noodles, oatmeal squares. - You have several words that you are very good at saying like, dada, daddy, mama, my mama, maw maw, paw paw, nana, kk ( Chris' sister ...