Hello blog world! Long time no posts but this is really not unusal for me. We had a really good weekend, it started off rough but ended well. Chris came home Friday ( at normal time yay!! ) He did not have to work Saturday, which is awesome because 6, 10 hour days makes a nice paycheck but hard on family life, but was not feeling good. He toughed it out and went to Walmart with me, but by the time we got home he was headed down hill fast. Saturday morning came around and he was feeling worse. He had a tooth pulled on Thrusday but that wasn't bothering him. He was aching, thoart hurting and just felt miserable. So after much debate he went to urgent care. He ended up being the only patient there and was dinosged with a bad sinus infection and Dr. Floyd he was basically exhasuted and needed some rest. He got a Zpak, cortizone shot, and cough syrup and that fixed him right up. Brody and I played all day Saturday and Chris was able to get some good rest. By Sunda...