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Showing posts from June, 2020

Snapshots from Life at Home

Just a few photos from life this past week.  Morning Coffee in a cup from my bestie.   This big kid making ham and cheese roll ups for his sister.  This precious girl making Barbie clothes. I loved doing the same thing when I was a little girl. Cute fabric. My husband's grandmother taught him to sew when he was little. She left him her sewing machine after she passed. Chris always does such a good job sewing, as you can tell by this adorable mask he made me. I am going to attempt to make a tote bag with the same fabric. We will see if I can accomplish it! I may have to call in reinforcements! ( Chris or my Mom)  Have you ever had Cotton Candy grapes? I have always heard of them but never got my hands on any. When I was grocery shopping last week Aldi had them so I bought some home. They are delicious! Have a wonderful week and stay safe! Hope 

Father's Day Weekend

Our weekend was filled with swimming, soccer, food, and relaxing. We swam at my in laws on Saturday (I totally forgot to get any pictures ) before Brody had soccer scrimmages. We are happy to be back at the fields. We are taking precautions and the kids are happy to be back playing together again. My hubby is happy to be back coaching too. It makes to so happy to see my boys do what they love. It was so HOT at soccer so the kids are having to make sure they take lots of breaks and stay well hydrated. Summertime in Alabama is no joke. Sunday we visited my Daddy and took him some goodies. Mostly we just relaxed and hung out around the house. We had leftover pork from Saturday and made some sides for supper. Brownie sundaes were for dessert. Chris also cut up a watermelon we picked up at Aldi so we can snack on it this week. Chris and I watched House Hunters while the Brody and Evie played in the backyard with a few neighborhood kids until it was starting to get late. We love all the extr...

Wednesday Camera Fun

I played around with my real camera this afternoon.  Sweet tea from Dunkin with a new library book on my Maw Maw's settee. It always sat on her screened in porch when I was little, I am so happy it was passed down to me.  Our flowers are blooming. And the newest member of our family Emma soaking up some sunshine.  Happy Wednesday Friends! Hope 

Fun During Our Extended Break From School

We have been enjoying ourselves during this extended summer. During Covid-19 school was done by packet/ online, dance by zoom and soccer was cancelled. Well thankfully we have finished the school year out. The kids had amazing teachers and we were so sad the year was cut short with them. Soccer and dance have started back up so the kiddos are excited to have their activities back in person.  During our time at home with no outside activities we had fun and accomplished lots. First we all found a show on Disney plus we all enjoyed, I remember it being on when I was a teenager. Now we are watching the original show that created the spin off series we finished.  Chris and I found a show we really enjoyed on Netflix, I can't wait for season 2 to come out. We also swam and played outside. We visited the bamboo park and also planted flowers ( that are still alive! ) I hope you all have a wonderful week! Hope 

Evie's Winter Dance Recital

Before our state shut down due to Covid-19 our precious Evie had her winter recital for dance. We so enjoyed watching our girl do what she loves. I love the confidence that dance gives our girl.

Long time no blog...

Well I started this blog and then abandoned it. Now I intend on actually writing on this little blog of mine. I have always felt like it would be a fun hobby. I recently became a full time stay at home mom. This is a major change for me and my family. I have worked in some form or fashion since I was 16. I cut back to part time after Evie was born. Since both children started school I worked everyday while they were at school. In March Covid-19 became an issue in Alabama and our schools closed for the remainder of the year. This left us without childcare. We had finically planned for summer childcare but not an extra 2 months of childcare. After Chris and I looked over the numbers and the pros and cons I choose to leave my job. This is a job I had been at for almost 15 years. I am treasuring the time at home with my children. We have definitely had to  make sure we budget well, but the joy of getting to be with my kiddos everyday outweighs any of that and we can make this work. I ...