On Monday my babies started back to school. In these uncertain times we had different options on how we would begin school this year. We could do virtual public school, go back to the traditional classroom, or homeschool. At this point my husband and I decided that it would be best for our kiddos to be back in the traditional classroom. There isn't an easy choice about school in these crazy times. Our school is smaller, they are wearing masks, and taking social distancing precautions. We have prayed about our decision and feel we did what is best for our family. I am praying for the parents out there that are having to make choices about what to for school this year, please know I respect whatever choice you make and I know it's not easy. How did my babies grow up so fast!?! Brody's first last day of elementary school. 4th grade Evie's first day of 2nd grade. I hope you all have a wonderful week! Hope