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Brody's Birth Story Part One

I know that this post is almost 2 years late, but this is for our memories and anybody else who cares to read it.

I am a VERY planned person. I like to plan everything. So like with everything in my life, I thought I would have Mr. Brody’s birth planned and everything would go the way I thought. Let’s just say that Brody did not agree with the plan I had and thought he would make his entrance differently. The following are the days leading up to Brody’s birth.

September 23rd, 2010

I went to my appointment with Dr. Logan. She checked me and I had not dilated any nor had Brody dropped any. My blood pressure and Brody’s heart were good. My feet were swollen huge and I felt as big as a house. I was very slow moving but over all I felt good. Brody’s due date was 10-10-10, but I was scheduled to be induced on Thursday the 7th. I figured I would be overdue with Brody since I showed no progression towards labor, and Dr. Logan would not be on call on Brody’s due date. Also Chris would be able to be home with us the first week Brody was home. So I was happy with that date and ready to hold my sweet baby boy on October 7th. I did always have this lingering feeling that Brody would be born in September, but my planning pushed that thought away. Dr. Logan told me that she would be on call that weekend just in case, but we both thought that would be unlikely. Little did I know…..

see what i mean by HUGE, look at that belly!! haha!

September 24th, 2010

Got up, and dressed for work. I was uncomfortable, but I was nine months pregnant, in September in Alabama ( so it is still summertime ), feet swollen, and HUGE. So I just summed it up to that. I talked to my best friend Mandie on the phone before work, she was on her way to Arkansas. Her birthday is today and she had already told Brody that he better not come while she was gone! Mandie had thought about not going because I was so pregnant at the time. I told her that I was sure that Brody would not come so everything would be fine. Also one of my other best friends Jessica, was gone to work at Sunshine Camp for the weekend and had also told Brody not to come this weekend either. So I went to work and before I left for the weekend I told my boss that I would be finishing up things the next week and get ready to start my maternity leave.  After I got home I starting feeling bad, I started feeling cramping in my back and stomach. I had been on my feet a lot that day and laid down for a while and I started to feel better. Chris thought that maybe we should call the Dr. Logan, but I really wasn’t hurting bad, and I didn’t want to go to the Hospitial for a false alarm. Chris did go ahead and finish packing my bag for the hospital and the car seat was already in the car ( thanks Jessica, we had to borrow Jessica’s car seat because our strolled/ car seat combo had not come in yet. ) so we were good just in case anything happened.

So that is part one, I will be back with more the rest soon!!


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