1. My wonderful husband, he is truly my best friend. 2. My sweet Brody, he is such rough, tough boy, but with such a big heart. 3. My sweet Evie Claire, she is a sweet surprise, but so wanted and loved, we can not wait to meet her! 4. Our house that we searched so long for, that we now call home. 5. My awesome caring friends, who are always there to lend a hand. 6. My parents who are always willing to take care of Brody when he is sick and I can't be off work. 7. Chris' job that has provided for us and our future. 8. My awesome in laws, always there when we need them. 9. Modern medicine, that when my baby is sick that I have way to get him the meds he needs to get better. 10. Seeing the love that Brody has for his Daddy, and that he wants to be just like him. I know then he will be a great man! 11. My camera, that i hope to learn to use better. I love the memories it captures. 12. My husbands flirting. 13. Gigi, she gets put on the back burner so much, ...